Wohnungen und Zimmer zu vermieten in der Gegend Gallaratese, Mailand

  1. Italien
  2. Mailand
  3. Gallaratese

Suche in mehr als 360 Mietanzeigen an Gallaratese und Umgebung. Informationen anfordern oder direkt online mieten. Jede immobilie auf der website wird von uns überprüft. Finde heraus wie Spacest.com funktioniert

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Sehe alle Arten von Angeboten in Gallaratese

    Finden Sie die besten Häuser zur Miete in Gallaratese

    The Gallaratese district, located in the north-west suburbs of Milan, is commonly referred to as the Bonola district. The area, which is highly sought after for houses for rent in Milan, is well connected and accessible by metro (M1), bus and tram services. In addition, the area can also be accessed by car, thanks to its proximity to the Tangenziale Ovest. The heart of the district is definitely the shopping centre, where numerous bars and restaurants are located. A high number of residents and public utility buildings make the area extremely lively. The wide coverage provided by the various means of transport makes the area suitable for students, workers and couples.