Wohnungen und Zimmer zu vermieten in der Gegend Lorenteggio, Mailand
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Finden Sie die besten Häuser zur Miete in Lorenteggio
The Lorenteggio district, located in the south-west of Milan, is currently undergoing a period of redevelopment. The area does not currently have a metro station, but it will soon be possible to use the service thanks to the new line (M4). Currently, however, the district is perfectly connected thanks to surface transport. The area, which enjoys a strong identity, is rich in services and its strategic location allows residents to reach some of Milan's most important nightlife spots, such as the Navigli, within a short walk. It is an ideal neighbourhood for students and young professionals who want to choose a housing solution not too far from the points of interest of Milan's young people, thanks to the excellent availability of flats for rent in Milan.