Wohnungen und Zimmer zu vermieten in der Gegend Trastevere, Rom
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Finden Sie die besten Häuser zur Miete in Trastevere
Trastevere is the thirteenth district of Rome, designated R. XIII and the largest in size. It is undoubtedly one of the most famous districts in many respects and still retains its authentic character thanks to the narrow streets covered with sanpietrini (cobblestones) where medieval houses stand. At night the district fills up with people, both Italian and foreign, thanks to the wealth of typical Roman restaurants, clubs and pubs for every price range. It is home to numerous churches, archaeological and cultural sites, such as the Janiculum Hill, and the Bambin Gesù Paediatric Hospital, one of the most important paediatric hospitals in Italy. Trastevere is a popular destination for students and young workers who wish to experience the veracity of the capital in an area full of beauty and nightlife, thanks also to the large number of rooms and flats for rent in Trastevere.