Apartamentos y habitaciones en alquiler en la zona University of Milano-Bicocca, Milán
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The University of Milan-Bicocca is an Italian state university founded in 1998. In the mid-1980s, in parallel with the opportunity to redevelop large brownfield areas in the urban industrial fabric of Milan, the need to find areas in which to open a new university campus began to emerge. In the university there are the following departments: Department of Economics, Department of Economic and Business Sciences, Department of Statistics, Department of Law, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Department of Psychology, Department of Biotechnology and Biosciences, Department of Physics, Department of Computer Science, Department of Mathematics, Department of Material Science, Department of Environmental Sciences, Department of Humanities for Education and Department of Sociology. The campus of the University of Milan-Bicocca is served by the lilac line 5 of the Milan subway (the nearest stations are Bicocca and Ponale), as well as by some streetcar lines and city buses.