Apartamentos y habitaciones en alquiler en la zona Naba, Milán
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The New Academy of Fine Arts, acronym NABA, is a private academy of fine arts legally recognized by MIUR, based in Milan. The New Academy of Fine Arts is included in the university sector, in the field of higher education in art, music and dance and issues legally recognized academic diplomas of first level (degree) and second level (master's degree). It maintains links and exchanges of students and teachers with other European countries through the Erasmus project. The academy is located in the historical district of Navigli. The campus includes laboratories for computer graphics, video editing, 2D and 3D modeling, sound design, as well as laboratories for tailoring, engraving, modeling, painting and lighting. For the working of plastics, jewelry, iron and wood, an atelier is available to students in the branch office in via Col di Lana. The NABA Campus is located in via C. Darwin, 20 in Milan, in a part of the block that previously housed the Milanese Serum Therapy Institute.