1. Rua José Augusto Gouveia

Stunning 3 bedroom apartment in Loures

Rua José Augusto Gouveia, Santo António dos Cavaleiros, Portogallo

Libre à partir du01/02/2026
Quatre chambres ou plus
130 m2
3 Chambres à coucher
2 Salles de bain
Maximum 5 Personnes


PT Descubra o lar perfeito para os seus sonhos neste deslumbrante apartamento com serviços incluídos! Entre na sua casa de sonho, com áreas amplas e todos os pormenores cuidadosamente pensados para o seu conforto. Localizado numa zona privilegiada, este apartamento está próximo de uma zona comercial, onde encontrará uma variedade de lojas, incluindo os conceituados Continente e Bricodepot. Para além disso, o Hospital Betriz Ângelo fica a uma curta distância, perto de farmácias e escolas. Uma das muitas vantagens deste imóvel é a sua excelente acessibilidade. Com acesso à Crel a apenas 3 minutos de carro, terá fácil acesso a qualquer local que deseje. Além disso, o posto de gasolina Prio fica a apenas 500 metros de distância, tornando suas viagens ainda mais convenientes. O bairro onde se situa este apartamento está repleto de zonas verdes. Desfrute de um ambiente tranquilo e sereno, rodeado de muitas árvores e até de um parque infantil para os mais pequenos se divertirem. EN Discover the perfect home for your dreams in this stunning apartment with included utilities! Step into your dream home with spacious areas and every detail carefully designed for your comfort. Located in a privileged area, this apartment is close to a commercial zone, where you'll find a variety of stores, including the renowned Continente and Bricodepot. Additionally, the Betriz Angelo Hospital is just a short distance away, near pharmacies and schools. One of the many advantages of this property is its excellent accessibility. With access to the Crel just 3 minutes by car, you'll have easy access to any location you desire. Plus, the Prio gas station is only 500 meters away, making your trips even more convenient. The neighborhood where this apartment is located is filled with green zones. Enjoy a peaceful and serene atmosphere, surrounded by many trees and even a children's playground for the little ones to enjoy.


Caractéristiques de la propriété

Type de maison


Taille de la maison

130 m2

Nombre de chambres


Nombre de salles de bains



5 Personnes

Nombre de cuisines


Nombre de salons


Numéro d'étage

3 Étage

Équipements de la maison

Règlement intérieur

  • Accepte les deux sexes

  • Fumeurs non autorisés

  • Animaux domestiques non-autorisés

Termes et conditions du propriétaire

WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE BOOKING? What will you need to do once your reservation is confirmed? proceed with the payment of the deposit plus additional charges to Roomless within 7 days from the booking confirmation. What happens if the above terms are not met? The reservation gets automatically canceled and you will lose the Roomless service fee. BOOKING - PRE CHECK IN cancellation made 60 or more days before the Check-in date: For the Tenant: 100% reimbursement of the First Payment. cancellation made between the 59th and 30th day before the Check-in date: For the Tenant: 50% reimbursement of the First Payment. cancellation made between the 29th day or less before the Check-in date: For the Tenant: There is no refund. POST CHECK-IN If you need to check out before the agreed date, you have to give 1 month notice. Penalty: the deposit is kept.

Détails du prix

Prix mensuel

Dépend de la réservation

1 800/mois




1 800€

Politique d'arrivée


Politique de départ


Récapitulatif des prix mensuels

Non disponible

Comment réserver cet hébergement

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