1. Rua do Jardim

Fresh Double Room with balcony

Rua do Jardim, Ferrel, Portogallo

Libre à partir du29/07/2024
Chambre privée
5 Chambres à coucher
2 Salles de bain


Double bed, semi private balcony. We are a cosy community based in the surf paradise of Portugal. Here we aim to provide an inspirational place to work, play and connect with other people in a similar boat to you. Our goal is to be a unique base for digital nomads, freelancers, creatives and anyone who is searching for a more balanced lifestyle while working remotely, next to some of the best surf in Europe! We have an amazing, spacious property with 2 working spaces, but our real value lies in bringing together like-minded people to share experiences, laughter, thoughts and food while pursuing your own dreams. Recharge, unwind and be inspired in a place where the beaches run for miles. The surf is pretty epic, too! STILL NOT SURE ABOUT WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DO? ● Friendly hub for international people working remotely ● We offer accommodation, 2 luxury office spaces, beautiful pool area, barbecue and many more ● We cooperate with one of the best surf school around ● Amazing, diverse community – friends and networking ● Good vibes only policy ● Chilled location close to amenities and surf beaches ● Team retreats (hosting workations, hackathons, etc)


Caractéristiques de la chambre

Type de chambre


Libre à partir du

29 Jul 2024

Personnes dans la chambre


Équipements de la chambre

Caractéristiques de la propriété

Type de maison


Nombre de chambres


Nombre de salles de bains


Nombre de cuisines


Nombre de salons


Équipements de la maison

Règlement intérieur

  • Accepte les deux sexes

  • Fumeurs non autorisés

  • Animaux domestiques non-autorisés

Termes et conditions du propriétaire

BEFORE CHECK-IN Cancellation made 60 or more days before the Check-in date: 100% reimbursement of the first month paid. Cancellation made between the 59th and 30th day before the Check-in date: 50% reimbursement of the first month paid. Cancellation made less than 30 days before the Check-in date: There is no refund. AFTER CHECK-IN If you need to check out before the agreed date, it is required 2 months of notice period in order to receive the security deposit back. If notice is given less than 2 months before the new check-out date, the security deposit will be retained.

Détails du prix

Prix mensuel

Dépend de la réservation

1 370/mois




1 370€

Politique d'arrivée


Politique de départ


Récapitulatif des prix mensuels

Non disponible

Comment réserver cet hébergement

Comment puis-je réserver ?

Puis-je visiter la propriété ?

Que se passe-t-il après la réservation ?

Que se passe-t-il en cas de problèmes ?