Appartements et chambres à louer dans la région Bande Nere, Milan

  1. Italie
  2. Milan
  3. Bande Nere

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Voir tous les types de location à Bande Nere

    Trouvez les meilleures maisons à louer dans Bande Nere

    Bande Nere is a neighbourhood in Milan, located in the western, sought-after area for rental accommodation in Milan, and is famous for being one of the city's most multicultural neighbourhoods. The area is well connected thanks to rail, metro (M1), and bus services. The neighbourhood is also easily accessible by car, thanks to its location close to the Tangenziale Ovest. The area has an important residential and commercial centre and hosts the city's largest Jewish quarter. The area has all the main services, such as houses and flats for rent in Milan, which are useful for workers and students who are off-site and wish to live in a quiet area not too far from the city centre and who like to come into contact with different cultures.