Appartements et chambres à louer dans la région Mattarello, Trento

  1. Italie
  2. Trento
  3. Mattarello

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Voir tous les types de location à Mattarello

    Trouvez les meilleures maisons à louer dans Mattarello

    Mattarello is a district located south of Trento, a sought-after area for houses for rent in Trento, formed by the hamlets of Mattarello and Valsorda, which together make up Trento's district 8. Near the district is the Trento-Mattarello 'Gianni Caproni' airport and the aeronautics museum, as well as the Torre Franca Castle, a historic building in the area. The district therefore offers excellent solutions for rooms and flats to rent in Trento near the airport.