Appartements et chambres à louer dans la région Povo, Trento
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Voir tous les types de location à Povo
Trouvez les meilleures maisons à louer dans Povo
Povo is a district of Trento, formed by the hamlets of Povo, Oltrecastello, Passo del Cimirlo, Gabbiolo, Mesiano and Celva, a highly sought-after area for rental accommodation in Trento. The district is home to a number of important institutions and research centres such as the FBK-irst research centre of the Bruno Kessler Foundation, the CoSBi (Centre for Computational and Systems Biology) a research centre in collaboration between Microsoft Research and the University of Trento and the CNR. In addition, there are a number of detached departments of the University of Trento such as the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering (DICAM) in Mesiano, the Department of Mathematics (DMath), the Department of Physics (DPhys), the Department of Industrial Engineering (DII), the Department of Engineering and Information Sciences (DISI) and part of the Centre for Integrated Biology (CIBio). The district therefore offers excellent solutions for rooms and flats for rent in Trento in a highly sought-after area of the city.