Appartements et chambres à louer dans la région San-Giuseppe-Santa-Chiara, Trento

  1. Italie
  2. Trento
  3. San-Giuseppe-Santa-Chiara

Cherchez entre 1320 Annonces de location dans San-Giuseppe-Santa-Chiara et à proximité de Demandez des informations ou Louez directement en ligne. Chaque propriété sur le site est vérifiée par notre équipe. Découvrez comment ça marche

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Voir tous les types de location à San-Giuseppe-Santa-Chiara

    Trouvez les meilleures maisons à louer dans San-Giuseppe-Santa-Chiara

    San Giuseppe-Santa Chiara is a district of Trento, located in a very central part of the city and an excellent area for rental homes in Trento, formed by the city districts of San Giuseppe, San Pio X, Santa Chiara, Santa Croce, Laste, Cervara and Santa Maria. It represents Trento's district 11 and within it is the exclusive 'Le Albere' district that houses the MUSE, both designed by Renzo Piano in the so-called former Michelin area. An excellent and exclusive area therefore for houses and flats to rent in Trento in the heart of the city.