Appartements et chambres à louer dans la région Valdezarza, Madrid

  1. Espagne
  2. Madrid
  3. Moncloa-Aravaca
  4. Valdezarza

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    Trouvez les meilleures maisons à louer dans Valdezarza

    Located in the Moncloa-Aravaca district, in the western part of Madrid, the Valdezarza district is bordered to the north by Calle del Valle de Mena, to the east by Calle de Villaamil and Calle de Ofelia Nieto, to the south by Calle de Francos Rodríguez and to the west by Calle de Antonio Machado, Calle de la Isla de Oza and Calle de Nueva Zeeland. The north-western end of the district is close to the M-30 motorway, making it easily accessible by car. Other transport options are the bus or the metro (Valdezarza and Antonio Machado).