Apartamentos e quartos para alugar em Bagneux
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- Bagneux
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Veja todas as tipologias de arrendamento em Bagneux
Encontre as melhores casas para alugar em Bagneux
Bagneux is a commune of about 40,918 inhabitants, located in the Hauts-de-Seine department, on the southern outskirts of Paris, just 7.7 km from the center of the French capital.
The town, over the years, has become very famous for its vineyards and wines.
Throughout the year, a large number of events are organized within the area that highlight the importance of the commune's historical heritage and, in addition, attract many young people.
The commune is perfectly connected to Paris, as it is served by line 4 of the capital's metro and several bus lines. This is why it is a very desirable area in which to look for housing: its geographical location allows those who live there to explore the main sites of interest in the French capital with comfort and also to study at its important universities, while keeping costs down.
Finding a home and starting your new life near Bagneux will be easy thanks to Roomless. You will be able to choose between our Basic Visit and Plus Visit. The Roomless platform will tell you how many potential guests will visit the house before you do, and you can assess your chances of closing the deal!