Apartamentos e quartos para alugar em Nîmes
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- Nîmes
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Encontre as melhores casas para alugar em Nîmes
The capital of the Gard department, Nîmes is a French commune of 143,917 inhabitants.
Nîmes is known not only for its cultural heritage, but also for its museums, vibrant social life, and fusion of different cultures in the country.
Some of the most striking historical and cultural monuments and attractions include Pont du Gard, Maison Carrée, Nîmes Amphitheater, Jardin de La Fontaine, Museum Romanité, Tour Magne, Temple of Diana, and Carré d'Art.
Many students choose to study in Nîmes because of the excellent educational offerings provided by the University of Nîmes, which has established twinning arrangements with several countries around the world.
Nîmes is also famous for its research centers that, every year, attract young researchers and recent graduates who want to pursue scientific research.
You can reach Nîmes by plane, landing at the Nîmes-Alès-Camargue-Cévenees à Garons airport, or by train or car.
Finding a home and starting your new life near Nîmes sur Seine will be easy thanks to Roomless. You will be able to choose between our Basic Visit and our Plus Visit. The Roomless platform will tell you how many potential guests will visit the house before you do and you can assess your chances of closing the deal!