Apartamentos e quartos para alugar em Rennes
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- Rennes
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Encontre as melhores casas para alugar em Rennes
Rennes, the capital of Brittany, is a city in northwestern France of 220,488 inhabitants.
Rennes is a medium-sized city that is home to two major universities: the University of Rennes and the Rennes Academy. The educational offerings offered and the services provided by the city make it an ideal destination for students, as it can meet all their needs.
Rennes is one of the largest student cities in all of France, but for workers it also has numerous possibilities to offer, especially in the telecommunications and technology sectors.
Rennes is also home to several tourist attractions such as the Rennes Cathedral, the Museum of Fine Arts, Parc du Thabor, and Parc des Gayeulles, which attract large numbers of tourists.
To get to Rennes, just hop on a high-speed train that will take you directly into the city center. You can also reach the city by plane, landing at Rennes Brittany Airport, just 7 kilometers from the city.
Finding a home and starting your new life near Rennes will be easy thanks to Roomless. You will be able to choose between our Basic Visit and Visit Plus. The Roomless platform will notify you how many potential guests will visit the house before you do and you can assess your chances of closing the deal!