Apartamentos e quartos para arrendar na área Corsica, Milão
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Encontre as melhores casas para alugar em Corsica
Corsica is a district of Milan, located in a peripheral area to the south-east of the municipality and represents an important road axis. The area, sought after for houses for rent in Milan, despite its apparently peripheral location, is connected to the city centre and Milan airport by various means of surface transport. The multi-ethnic character of the neighbourhood transforms the area into a point of contact between cultures. The proximity to Parco Forlanini, allows residents to enjoy long walks in the open air. All the indispensable services are present in the area, making your stay comfortable thanks to the excellent availability of flats for rent in Milan. The vitality of the area makes it perfect for families and couples, but also for young people who want to live in a quieter area from which it is possible to quickly reach the social life.