Apartamentos e quartos para arrendar na área Nolo, Milão
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Veja todas as tipologias de arrendamento em Nolo
Encontre as melhores casas para alugar em Nolo
The Nolo district, located in the north-east of Milan, is known to be the most diverse district in the city and its name derives from the acronym 'North of Loreto'. The area, sought after for houses for rent in Milan, is well connected and accessible via the metro station (M1), buses and trams. It is an area known for its dynamism: strolling through the streets one can easily come across co-working spaces, clubs, boutiques and street art works. It is the neighbourhood of young people par excellence, characterised by its active community and artistic soul. The ideal choice for young students and workers thanks to the excellent availability of rental flats in Milan.