Apartamentos e quartos para arrendar na área Tibaldi, Milão
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Encontre as melhores casas para alugar em Tibaldi
The Tibaldi-Bocconi district is located south of the city centre, within walking distance of the Navigli and Porta Ticinese districts. Within the area, there is currently no metro station. Despite this, the area is well connected and easily accessible by surface transport and is a highly sought-after area for houses for rent in Milan. One of the most desirable areas to live in Milan, as it is home to one of the city's most renowned business schools, the Bocconi University. Actively frequented by students, the district is characterised by its internationality. Within the area, the atmosphere is made lively by the numerous clubs. Ideal, certainly, for university students, the district is also suitable for workers and families, thanks to the tranquillity of its streets and the excellent availability of rental flats in Milan.