Apartamentos e quartos para arrendar na área Campitelli, Roma
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Encontre as melhores casas para alugar em Campitelli
Campitelli is the tenth district of Rome, denoted by R. X. The name is believed to derive from Capitolium, the site of the most important temple in ancient Rome, that of the Capitoline Triad of Jupiter, Juno and Minerva. The area of the district is characterised by the presence of archaeological, museum and institutional sites, such as the Capitoline Hill (seat of the municipality of Rome), the Palatine Hill, the Imperial Forums, the Altar of the Fatherland and the famous Colosseum. Definitely an open-air museum that makes it one of the busiest areas of Rome for tourists and residents, ideal for those who want to live immersed in Imperial Rome, thanks to the availability of rooms and flats for rent in the Colosseum and Imperial Forums area.