Apartamentos e quartos para alugar em Bilbao
- Espanha
- Bilbao
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Encontre as melhores casas para alugar em Bilbao
Bilbao, capital of the province of Biscay, is a city in northern Spain, the largest in the Basque Country.
The city covers an area of approximately 41.26 km² with a population of approximately 346,843 inhabitants.
Bilbao is an important industrial and commercial centre and has one of the most important seaports in the country.
Within the territory, the strategic sectors that drive the city's economy are mainly steel, automation, energy and industry.
Its openness to the international market allows many young people to enjoy the numerous job offers promoted in the area.
The city has, in recent times, enjoyed a major renovation of the transport system. This has improved the quality of internal public transport, ensuring higher standards of living.
Finding a home and starting your new life near Bilbao will be easy thanks to Roomless. You can choose between our Basic Visit and our Plus Visit. The Roomless platform will tell you how many potential guests will visit the house before you do and you can assess your chances of closing the deal!