Apartamentos e quartos para arrendar na área Salamanca, Madrid
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Encontre as melhores casas para alugar em Salamanca
Salamanca is a district of Madrid and a very popular area for houses for rent in Madrid, which owes its name to its builder, the Marquis of Salamanca José de Salamanca y Mayol, who built part of it in the 19th century. It has become one of the most important commercial areas of the city and one of the districts with the highest standard of living in Europe, with the largest luxury shopping area in Madrid around the Golden Mile, comprising Serrano, Claudio Coello, Lagasca and Ortega y Gasset streets. Administratively, it consists of 7 Barrios, Castellana, Fuente del Berro, Goya, Guindalera, Lista, Parque de las Avenidas and Recoletos. It is therefore a highly sought after district for rooms and apartments to rent in Madrid.