IMPORATANTE: UNA VEZ CONFIRMADA LA RESERVA, EL INQUILINO TIENE 1 SEMANA PARA ABONAR EL DEPOSITO INDEPENDIENTEMENTE LA FECHA DE CHECK IN. IMPORTANT: ONCE THE RESERVATION IS CONFIRMED, THE TENANT HAS 1 WEEK TO PAY THE DEPOSIT REGARDLESS OF THE CHECK-IN DATE. Increible habitacion en calle Balmes , en el barrio emblematico de Exaimple. Con todas las comodidades, espaciosa y confortable, la habitacion es perfecta para tu estadia en Barcelona. Los servicios estan incluidos (limite 15 euros por Agua, Gas, Luz, si hay una diferencia la abona el inquilino) Limpieza semanal incluida asi como ropa de cama. Sólo es posible hacer el check-in de lunes a sábado (no se aceptan check-ins los domingos o festivos) EL CHECK IN SE PUEDE REALIZAR DE LUNES A VIERNES, SOLO EN EL HORARIO DE 15 A 18 . GRACIAS!!!!! IMPORTANTE : " NO SE PUEDE HACER LOS CHECK IN LOS SABADOS O DOMINGOS O FERIADOS. SOLO DIAS HABILES"
Room features
Room Type
Free from
30 Jun 2025
People in Room
Room Amenities
Property features
House Type
Number of Rooms
Number of Bathrooms
Number of Kitchens
Number of Living Rooms
House Amenities
House rules
Accepts both genders
Smokers not allowed
Pets not allowed
Landlord Terms and Conditions
Se pierde el deposito por cancelacion anticipada. Deposit is lost due to early cancellation.
Price details
Monthly price
Depends on Booking Period
Check-in Policy
Check-out Policy
Monthly price summary
How to book this accommodation
In case of problems, you can contact your reference agent who will assist you in resolving any issues. For added security, the money you have paid will be sent to the landlord within 48 hours of check-in. The policies and terms and conditions of Spacest and the homeowner apply, which you can view above on this page.