Furnished single room in shared apartment, available from 2024-07-15. The room has an area of 6 square meters. The following amenities are included in the room: Desk, Closet. The apartment has a total area of 64 square meters. There are 3 bedroom(s), 1 bathroom(s). The following amenities are available at home: WiFi, Terrace, Furnished, Lift. The following utilities are included in the rent price: gas, water, electricity, internet. The condominium fee is included in the monthly rent. A minimum stay of 1 month(s) is required. No visits are conducted and it is possible to book directly online. Los gastos de consumo estiman ser de 55 euros mensuales, si hay un excedente, lo pagará el inquilino. The consumption costs are estimated to be 55 euros per month, if there is a surplus, it will be paid by the tenant.
Room features
Room Type
Free from
1 Jul 2025
Room Size
6 m2
People in Room
Room Amenities
Property features
House Type
House Size
64 m2
Number of Rooms
Number of Bathrooms
House Amenities
House rules
Smokers not allowed
Pets not allowed
Price details
Monthly price
Depends on Booking Period
Average price of utilities
Not included in the monthly price
Utilities included in the average price
Check-in Policy
Check-out Policy
Monthly price summary
How to book this accommodation
In case of problems, you can contact your reference agent who will assist you in resolving any issues. For added security, the money you have paid will be sent to the landlord within 48 hours of check-in. The policies and terms and conditions of Spacest and the homeowner apply, which you can view above on this page.