UNA VEZ REALIZADA LA RESERVA DEBERAN PAGAR: - UN MES DE ALQUILER + 1 MES DE FIANZA Se trata de un amplio piso ubicado en el centro de Madrid, cerca de la zona de Príncipe Pío e ideal para estudiantes y jóvenes profesionales. Es un apartamento de 7 habitaciones, de las cuales, cuatro tienen balcón, dos baños compartidos, aire acondicionado, una pequeña zona de comedor y cocina equipada con cocina, horno, microondas, vajilla, una lavadora y secadora. Todos, cuentan con armarios, mesas de estudio con lámpara, juego de sábanas y toallas. La habitación mide entre 10 a 12 m2. El apartamento está ubicado en la Calle de Segovia, cerca del Palacio Real y realmente bien comunicado tanto en bus como en metro.
Room features
Room Type
Free from
2 Mar 2026
People in Room
Property features
House Type
House Size
150 m2
Number of Rooms
Number of Bathrooms
Number of Kitchens
Number of Living Rooms
House Amenities
House rules
Accepts both genders
Smokers not allowed
Pets not allowed
Landlord Terms and Conditions
Lost the deposit and outstanding months are taken. if someone is found there is no financial penalty.
Price details
Monthly price
Depends on Booking Period
Average price of utilities
Not included in the monthly price
Check-in Policy
Check-out Policy
Contract closure costs
50€ de limpieza final
Monthly price summary
How to book this accommodation
In case of problems, you can contact your reference agent who will assist you in resolving any issues. For added security, the money you have paid will be sent to the landlord within 48 hours of check-in. The policies and terms and conditions of Spacest and the homeowner apply, which you can view above on this page.