Apartamentos y habitaciones en alquiler en la zona Lambrate, Milán

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  2. Milán
  3. Lambrate

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Ver todos los tipos de alquiler en Lambrate

    Encuentra las mejores casas en alquiler en Lambrate

    The Lambrate district, a highly sought-after area for houses for rent in Milan, located in the north-east of Milan, is considered by residents to be the most international district of the city. The area is easily accessible by car, train and is well connected by metro (M2), bus and tram services. The area has undergone a number of redevelopments and today, during Design Week, it is transformed into a major focal point for design, fashion and architecture. The district is characterised by its creativity and the numerous services it offers. An ideal choice for anyone looking for accommodation, thanks to the excellent availability of flats for rent in Milan, located in the heart of Milan's international events, such as young workers and couples, art and photography lovers.