Appartements et chambres à louer dans la région Appio Claudio, Rome

  1. Italie
  2. Rome
  3. Appio Claudio

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    Trouvez les meilleures maisons à louer dans Appio Claudio

    Appius Claudius is the 25th district of Rome, denoted by Q. XXV and is named after the Roman politician and man of letters Appius Claudius Blind, who is credited with the construction of the Appian Way and waterworks. Of great importance is the Aqueducts Park where, in addition to the aqueducts and the parish church, there are some very important archaeological finds. One of the main points of the district is Via Tuscolana, the main artery of the entire area. It can be reached from the Lucio Sestio, Cinecittà, Giulio Agricola and Subaugusta stations of the Metro A and from the Roma Capannelle station.