1. Berlino
  2. Rheinstraße

Berlin Rhein 4 - Room L (1)

Rheinstraße, Berlino, Germania

Stanza privata
186 m2
6 Camere da letto


This spacious and comfortable room has been designed with you in mind, dear housemate! Practical and functional, it is equipped with premium bedding, a beautiful wardrobe, a nightstand, and a real desk space for your exams or remote work days! All in a joyful and warm atmosphere. You also have access to a shared bathroom. The apartment is located in the artistic district of Tempelhof-Schöneberg: Friedenau. This is a spacious 186m² apartment with 6 bedrooms, fully furnished and ready to move in. It includes a new modern bathroom, an integrated kitchen, and designer furniture, shared with other tenants. Come see it for yourself! 🍴 Restaurant | 5 mins 🥐 Coffee Place | 2 mins 🛒 Supermarket | 3 mins 🚆 U Friedrich-Wilmhelm-Platz U9 | 6 mins 🚌 Breslauer Platz (M48 & M85) | 1 min


Caratteristiche della stanza

Tipo della stanza


Libera dal

22 set 2024

Dimensioni della stanza

27 m2

Persone nella stanza


Servizi della stanza

Caratteristiche dell'immobile

Tipologia della casa


Dimensioni della casa

186 m2

N. delle camere


N. Coinquilini


N. delle cucine


N. di soggiorni


Servizi della casa

Regole della casa

  • Accetta entrambi i sessi

  • Fumatori ammessi

  • Animali non ammessi

Termini e condizioni del proprietario

[DE] - RESERVIERUNG - VORAB-CHECK-IN 1. Stornierung 60 Tage oder mehr vor dem Anreisedatum: 100% Erstattung des ersten Monats. 2. Stornierung zwischen dem 59. und 30. Tag vor dem Anreisedatum: 50% Erstattung des ersten Monats. 3. Stornierung zwischen dem 29. Tag oder weniger vor dem Anreisedatum: keine Rückerstattung. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, am Wochenende einzuchecken. Erforderliche Unterlagen: Student: - Ausweispapier - Tätigkeitsnachweis: Einschreibung an einer Universität - Papiere des Bürgen (moralisch oder physisch) - Bürgschaftsurkunde Bürgen oder Mieter mit Ausnahme von Studenten: - Ausweispapier - Nachweis der Tätigkeit: Arbeitsvertrag - Einkommensnachweis (letzte 3 Monate) - Bürgschaftsurkunde - NACH DEM EINCHECKEN Der vertragliche Mindestaufenthalt entspricht dem Buchungszeitraum auf Roomless. STORNIERUNG DER RESERVIERUNG: Nein STRAFE FÜR FRÜHZEITIGE STORNIERUNG: keine Strafe, aber die Verwaltungsgebühren werden nicht zurückerstattet Frist für die Rückzahlung der Kaution: 1 Monat, wenn keine Probleme beim Check-out, 2 Monate, wenn es Schäden. In Coliving inbegriffene Dienstleistungen (nicht in Wohngemeinschaften): - Partnerschaft mit Deliveroo für Frühstückslieferungen - Reinigung der Gemeinschaftsräume - Soldo-Karten für Einkäufe der Mieter - WOHNEN Es besteht die Möglichkeit, sich in dieser Wohnung niederzulassen. [EN] - RESERVATION - PRE CHECK IN 1. Cancellation made 60 days or more before the arrival date: 100% refund of the first month. 2. Cancellation made between the 59th and 30th day before the date of arrival: 50% refund of the first month. 3. Cancellation made between the 29th day or less before the arrival date: no refund is provided. Possibility of check-in during the weekend. Documentation requested: Student: - Identity paper - Proof of activity: university registration - Papers of the guarantor (moral or physical) - Deed of guarantee Guarantors or tenants excluding students: - Identity paper - Proof of activity: employment contract - Proof of income (last 3 months) - Deed of guarantee - AFTER CHECK-IN The contractual minimum stay will correspond to the reservation period on Roomless. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF THE RESERVATION: no PENALTY FOR EARLY CANCELLATION: no penalty but the administrative fees are not refunded Deadline for return of deposit: 1 month if no problems at check-out, 2 months if there are damages. Services included in coliving (not in flatshares): - Partnership with Deliveroo for breakfast delivery - Cleaning of common areas - Soldo cards for tenant purchases - RESIDENCE It is possible to take up residence in this apartment.

Dettagli del prezzo

Prezzo mensile

Dipende dal periodo di prenotazione






Check-in Policy


Check-out Policy


Costi apertura contratto

Cleaning fee/ Reinigungskosten: 330€

Riepilogo dei prezzi mensili

Non disponibile

Come prenotare questo alloggio

Come posso prenotare?
Posso visitare l’immobile?
Cosa succede dopo la prenotazione?
Cosa succede se ci sono dei problemi?